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Compassionate, caring, realistic, loving and inspiring. These words are truly defined by Lauri's  character. Her unrelenting selflessness and objective in life to help others inspired me to do the same. Her compassion in healing others by at the very least lending an ear made me feel validated and heard. Her realism and how she looks at the world did not overprotect and coddle my feelings. She gave me the tools to help myself. That's what everyone truly needs to for personal growth. The glow that Lauri radiates is contagious and whenever I would have a discussion with her regarding hardships in my life I would leave with optimism and hope for a better future. Anyone would be lucky to cross paths with her and I'm beyond grateful that my path crossed with hers. 




Lauri is the best combination of a true professional but also a 'real' person that makes you feel comfortable and safe. Her sincere interest in seeing others heal and find peace is felt and she has and continues to walk a path of personal growth and recovery so she "gets it"!  


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